
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

How to show our love for Newtown

I honestly don't have any profound or inspired words to say about the recent tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.  Like the rest of our nation and the world, I am stunned and heart-broken by the deaths of these innocent people- innocent children.  Shabby Blogs will not be posting anything this week so that we can spend that extra, precious time with our children and loved ones.  All of the love in our hearts goes out to the victims of this tragic event along with our prayers of peace and love and comfort.  It is in this spirit that I would like to tell you about a small and simple way that each of us can share our love for Newtown.

There are several funds you can donate to as a way of honoring the victims and also a card that you can sign online here.  Besides those options, I just wanted to spread the word about Red Hearts for Connecticut- a movement that is really beautiful.  In the words of Aimee, who began Red Hearts for CT:

"Every time I hear of a tragedy like the one in Newtown, CT this week I wish we had a sign or symbol of sympathy that we could all display to show these families how deeply sorry we are for their loss. We go on with our lives, pretty much as normal, but our hearts are heavy. Flags at half mast are great, but I wish that EVERY home could show them support. I'm thinking of the days after 9/11 when everyone ran out to buy flags to display and stand together. Or during WWII when those families with servicemen would hang a blue star in their window then change it to gold if their loved one was killed. I thought about what would symbolize our sympathy and came up with this idea....

I'm posting this red paper heart in my front window as a sign that my heart is breaking for them and their loss. The heart also represents the love, sympathy and compassion that we feel in our home and I'm sure others across the country feel for these families. If you feel the same way, join me. Ask others to join you. Maybe it will spread. My friend Lara has family that live in this area of CT and she said she will share this with them. Maybe it can be one small way to let people know that we care and at least it's a way to express feelings that we sometimes feel helpless to express."

Upon hearing about this, one of my own little girls colored a red heart and put it lovingly on our own front door.  I hope that you will join us.