
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Let's do something AWESOME!!! {+ a freebie}

I love Christmas!!!  I'm seriously like Buddy, the elf.  I sing carols at the top of my lungs and tickle my children mercilessly when they don't sing along with equal zeal and lack of propriety.  I bake things and make things and break things and do it all with glitter stuck to my forehead and clothing.  (Yeah, I'm that lady.)  I just love Christmas!  My favorite thing about it is that feeling of magic in the air as I spend extra time with my husband and children, making as many memories as we possibly can.  I think maybe the best part about having my own family is getting to choose the memories we will make.  Isn't that an incredible gift?  And it is one each of us has- which is just so cool to me.  For my family, my husband and I have chosen to scale back on presents this year and focus more on making memories.  When I look back on the holidays from my own childhood, I honestly don't remember hardly any presents I ever got for Christmas, but I do remember each house my family went to on Christmas Eves to secretly deliver gifts to families less fortunate than our own.  I'm so lucky that I had parents who were such great examples of generosity and the real spirit of Christmas.  Giving me those experiences to serve and bless others is by far the greatest Christmas gift they could have given to me and my siblings.  I'm excited to do similar things with my own children.

I'm almost finished with a Christmas-themed digital scrapbooking kit that I am so excited about!  I was planning on offering it to each of our fans free of charge as my way of saying thank you for all of your support and encouragement.  The Shabby Blogs community is one genuinely incredible group of people that I am so proud to get to know and be a part of.  As such, I started thinking about the ability we could have, together, to make a difference.  If each person who downloads this digital kit donated even just $1, we could potentially come up with enough money to really help a family in need this Christmas.  There are so many families who could use some help this year.  Wouldn't it be amazing to work together in this way to do something really great?  That would make me so happy!  After all, giving is what Shabby Blogs is all about.  What do you say?  Can we do this???  I'd love to know what you think!

Here's a sneak peek at the digital kit, Shabby Christmas...although not all of the papers and elements are shown here!

And, because I can never post anything without including a freebie, here is a Christmas collage I've made for you, previewed above. Just click on the image below to download the full-sized .png file.  Enjoy!!!