
Friday, February 8, 2013

Watercolor Banner Art Freebie

I'm kind of a nerd.  Okay, that's a lie.  I am totally a nerd.  I get so genuinely, insanely, ridiculously excited about things.  Art is one of those things.  I loooooove art.  Obviously, not all art, but art I love.  I love the art I love!  Someday, I want to take a thousand different kinds of art classes.  I fully expect to be wretched at each and every one, but that is so not going to stop me.  In the meantime, I'm okay with just sitting back and swooning over other people's incredible artistic talent.  For example, my sister-in-law, Carrie (love you, Care!) is wicked talented.  Her sister, Laura, shares the same rad genes.  I've been following Laura since she started a shop on Etsy...all the while, secretly plotting to find a way to spread her amazingness to everyone over here at Shabby Blogs.  Is that flattering or sinister?  I don't know, but either way, you should totally thank me because it worked!!!

I'd like to introduce you to the uber talented Laura Davies. My brother calls her the female Chuck Norris...and I have to kind of agree with him.  She is not only a wife and the mom of two adorable little redheads, but she is also a creative genius.  You know those people who see something on Pinterest and then BAM- done the next day and about 27x better than the original?  That's her.  And she can cook like Julia Child too.  No joke.  Is this fair?  I think not.  In comparison, my main skill in this life is an unnatural and, if I'm being brutally honest, rather unladylike ability to spit super far.  But I'm not going to compare because that is a rocky road that leads to eating a gallon of Rocky Road and I have suffered through far too many beatings from Jillian Michaels fitness DVD's to take a journey like that.  Suffice it to say, Laura is talented.  Crazy talented.  We'll just leave it at that.  :)

Since I have publicly outed Laura as one of the most talented people I know, you can just imagine how excited I was when she agreed to paint a portrait of my own little house.  I live in a farmhouse way out in the Michigan countryside that was built in 1890.  I adore our little yellow homestead and love the painting Laura created of it just as much!  Holy talent!  No, seriously.  I cried.  You have to see this...

Right?!??  Eeeeep!  I love it so much!!!  You can see more of her work on Etsy and you should absolutely follow her on Facebook, but just as squeal-worthy is the fact that she has allowed me to share some of her artwork with you...starting right now!  (I already knew I was going to type that and all of my children are sound asleep, but I still just squealed.)  Go ahead.  Take a moment to make your giddy noise of choice and then download the heck out of the image below and use it on your beautiful shabby blog.  I don't know about you, but I am freaking out about adding her talent to the SB family and cannot wait to see what else she comes up with!  You are amazing, Laura!!!

{click images above to download full-sized versions}