
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Free Digital Paper- Winifred the Fancy Whale

I love to create things.  Though I'm probably best at making messes, I love to make art- whichever way it comes out.  I'm not one of those people who usually sees what I'm making before I sit down to make it though. That means that nine times out of ten, I completely surprise myself.  That was definitely the case with this latest design.  Laura was so sweet to send over these gorgeous ranunculus she painted.  Every time she sends me new beautiful pieces of watercolor loveliness, it feels like Christmas!  Within seconds, I had the files open and was kafloofling about with things.  After a minute or two, there was a whale involved...and she was in desperate need of a bit of fancying up.  Some would suppose whales don't care about trivial things like "fanciness", but you should know that this one (I named her Winifred) most certainly does.  I'm pretty sure this random bit of delightful silliness came from the incessant rain we've had here in Michigan and the fact that I've been holding my breath waiting for my own little flowers to finally burst open.  But, wherever my dear old girl Winifred came from, she is now headed straight for your be good to her!  :)

Ooh, and don't forget that if you live in Utah, you can meet the super sweet and deliciously talented Laura Davies at the Beehive Bazaar in May!!!
