
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Top Ten on Tuesday {link party}

I had THE most fun reading your Top 10 lists from last week.  Maybe it is weird, but sometimes I feel like I'm just talking to myself when I blog.  Visiting each of your blogs and reading about you made me feel so much more connected- and that's such a huge part of blogging.  I'm grateful for that feeling of being a part of something that each of you who participated gave me.  I needed that.  Thank you!

So the weather here in Michigan has been divine lately.  On Sunday afternoon, I dragged my favorite blanket outside and sat with my husband and girlies on the lawn, just soaking up the sun and the smells and the sound of my children laughing.  I snapped a photo and put it on instagram with the caption "Happiness is a blanket on the grass and someone to sit with."  That made me think about all of the other things happiness is to me.  So then I thought, Why not make that our Top Ten for this Tuesday???

Don't forget the rules!

1. Keep it family-friendly y'all.
2. Please only link to your blog if you are actually posting about the top ten list topic we are giving you. We are sure your dog is adorable and your homemade curtains turned out awesome, but this link party is for those participating in our top ten list challenges only.
3. If you join our link party, please include the image below in your post.

1. Happiness is always having a hand to hold.

2. Happiness is "adventure boots" for every member of your family and nothing but time and countryside as far as you can see.

3. Happiness is a blue mason jar full of fireflies or flowers.

4. Happiness is the sound of my little mermaids playing at Lake Michigan.

5. Happiness is a clean house...or so I would imagine.

6. Happiness is knowing you'll be forgiven- even before you ask.

7. Happiness is the orange clearance sticker at Target.

8. Happiness is knowing who you are and who you're not...and being ok with that.

9. Happiness is being gentle with the hearts of others and being surrounded by people who are gentle with yours.

10. Happiness is proving to yourself that you can do hard things.

So there you go!  I'm pretty sure I could list a million things that happiness is to me, but this is the top ten I came up with.  Also, I decided to add some photos I just quickly pulled from my instagram feed to make it more interesting.  If you want to add images, go for it!  If not, don't!  I'm just excited to read your answers!  :)
