
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Top Ten on Tuesday {link party}

First of all, I hope all of you moms had an awesome Mother's Day!  And all of you not moms, well, I hope you had an awesome Mother's Day too.  Because really Mother's Day is a celebration of women and love.  Hooray for both!  :)

Once again, I've had a blast reading all of your top ten lists!  It has been a crazy-busy week so I haven't gotten the chance to comment on all of them yet, but I will!  Have you been jumping around and reading them?  If not, you should!  It is just so fun getting to know all of you great bloggers.  Loving it!  (Don't worry.  We'll still be posting blog freebies too though!)

Okay, so I love music.  LOVE it.  Reeeeeally love it.  I took my 10-year-old to her first concert for her birthday this month and it was the coolest thing ever to see her face radiate sheer unadulterated joy.  It was the kind of joy one exudes when a huge dream becomes a reality.  What a neat experience for both of us.  It made me think about what a big part of my life music is.  My favorite music feels like it belongs to me somehow.  The music I love has woven in and out of my days and has become the soundtrack of my life.  Is that silly or does anyone else feel that way?  You may have guessed already, but this week's writing prompt is all about music.

Top 10 Favorite Musicians

*If you'd like, you can change that to be albums or songs.  Whatever music-related list is most fun for you.
*Also, please note that you have a week to enter this link party.  Don't worry if you aren't able to write your list on Tuesday.  That's just when we put it out there, but you can jump in any time!

Here are the official rules:

1. Keep it family-friendly y'all.
2. Please only link to your blog if you are actually posting about the top ten list topic we are giving you. We are sure your dog is adorable and your homemade curtains turned out awesome, but this link party is for those participating in our top ten list challenges only.
3. If you join our link party, please include the image below in your post.

In no particular order...

1. Ray Lamontagne

2. Mumford & Sons

3. James Vincent McMorrow

4. The Civil Wars

5. Matthew Mayfield

6. Passenger

7. The Lumineers

8. David Gray

9. The Paper Kites

10. Loheem

Okay, that was waaaaay harder than I thought it would be to shrink my favorites down to ten.  Ouch.  No room for Of Monsters & Men or Young The Giant or Boy & Bear or Fleet Foxes or a million others I adore.  (Did you see what I did there?)  Sigh.  But there you go!  Images are clickable so you can check out my favorites and see if you like them too!  And now it is your turn, friends.  Watcha listenin' to???