Megan, forgive me in advance for hijacking your blog. I just couldn’t let the one year anniversary of ShabbyBlogsBlog and pass today without telling you and everyone else how proud I am of you! You have spent countless hours, long afternoons, and late nights at your computer instead of doing one of the million other things that you love. You have sacrificed beautiful days at the beach, movies out with friends, playing in the snow with the kids, and virtually any time for yourself. You’ve developed a mild case of carpel tunnel syndrome because of the time your hand has been glued to your mouse. To show for it, you have created literally hundreds of works of art; you have created miniature masterpieces. You have used your incredible talent for taking ordinary things and turning them into something truly extraordinary! You put everything you have into everything you do and your lovely creations are your evidence. You have not only given of yourself, you have given of your heart. You have touched thousands of lives in big and small ways by helping people all over the world create their own home on the web – to create their own blog of memories, their own list of recipes, or their own portal to a world that is bigger than the confines of the walls that surround them. You have inspired thousands of individual souls to express their own beautiful uniqueness and to be proud of it. You have helped them see that their thoughts, their style, their photographs, their ideas, their kids, their homes, their accomplishments, and their lives are worth sharing! You have helped them to recognize the beauty in their own lives and experiences by giving them the tools and encouragement to share them.
To all of you wonderful Shabby Bloggers, thank you for making this blog and such a success. I think that you recognize by her work what I have known since the day I met her – that Megan has an unparalleled talent for creating beauty all around her. What you may not know, however, is that this beauty springs from a soul that is so filled with light and goodness that it cannot help but escape. So, while I many times longed to have her hand in mine instead of holding her computer’s mouse, I rejoiced to know that the world was witnessing a small glimpse into the mind and heart of the most amazing woman I have ever known.
With all of that said, Megan, we are all behind you – me, our three girls, and the thousands of individuals all over the world who are a part of Shabby Blogs. 2010 will be even better than 2009 and the good things you create and share will continue to inspire wonderful people everywhere. I love you! Happy blogiversary.
Your husband and biggest fan,