
Well, hello there!

Thank you so much for your interest in becoming a Shabby Blogs sponsor!  Shabby Blogs is proud to offer the trendiest and most high quality blog couture out there.  We're really proud of the community we've built and we are always looking for new, awesome people to become a part of it.  If you'd like to become an SB sponsor, here's what you should know:

We like people.  We like helping people and encouraging people and promoting people.  Partnering with Shabby Blogs means becoming a part of our family, but even better!  You'll get all of the encouragement, support, and lovin' without any of the unfortunate genes or awkward Thanksgivings.

People like us.  People spent over 5,000 hours on last month.  That's enough time to watch all 181 episodes of "I Love Lucy" 67 times!  (Or "The Hobbit"...twice.)  We also have an ever-growing following on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.  If it is cold, hard numbers you are after, here are ours for last month:

  • 24,000 visits
  • 50,755 pageviews
  • 20,000 unique visitors
  • Nearly 19,000 registered followers
  • 72,000 visits
  • 251,000 pageviews
  • 52,000 unique visitors

We are flexible.  We know firsthand what it is like to build something and want to see it grow.  At Shabby Blogs, we genuinely want as many people as possible to have a chance to show off what they have created.  Whether you are just starting out and wanting to stick your toe in the water or you are charging the high-dive for the mother of all cannonballs, we've got an option for you that is sure to make a splash!  Here are our current sponsorship packages and rates:

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