I hope you had a day filled with love and family and everything lovely! We've had so much fun here in waaaarm Arizona! :) While here, I was able to meet in person the first member of the Shabby Blogs team and it was honestly a dream come true. The amazing Jessica of
Sierra Studios Photography was kind enough to meet with me and even photograph my little family. She is just as delightful as her images (which is saying
a lot!) and it is a true honor to welcome her to the Shabby Blogs family! I'm so looking forward to learning more about her and from her! Images are such a vital part of blogging and Jessica is going to be teaching us how to make the most of ours. I'm so excited I can hardly stand it! If you want to see why, just take a peek at some of the images she captured of my own greatest gifts:

These photographs literally made me cry when I saw them for the first time...and they will probably make me cry a thousand times more as I look at them throughout the years to come. I feel so blessed to get to know so many talented and lovely people through Shabby Blogs. I'm so lucky and honored to share these special people with you! Please take a moment to get to know the first member of Team Shabby by visiting Jessica at her
website and
blog. Welcome Jessica...and
Merry Christmas to each of you!